Exploring the Joy of Software Development
Here’s a glimpse into some of the software projects I’ve created over the years. While I’m not a software developer by profession, programming is a passion that fuels my creativity and brings me joy in my free time.”
A new way to capture, manage, and visualize for notes for everything from recipes to meetings.
A new way to capture, manage, and visualize for notes for everything from recipes to meetings.
Original personal portfolio, containing my experience, projects, blog, and a means of contacting me.
Original personal portfolio, containing my experience, projects, blog, and a means of contacting me.
DuoChat is a cloud-enabled, mobile-ready, real-time chat application, built to help bring people together.
DuoChat is a cloud-enabled, mobile-ready, real-time chat application, built to help bring people together.
Group project working collaboratively with a team of talented developers at the Coding Dojo.
Group project working collaboratively with a team of talented developers at the Coding Dojo.
Contact Manager
Contact Manager was built as a testing ground for learning serverless design with MongoDB and Next.js's latest API management features
Contact Manager
Contact Manager was built as a testing ground for learning serverless design with MongoDB and Next.js's latest API management features